The company’s parts and service website has been enhanced to better provide aftermarket support to help fleets, OEMs, and owner-operators keep their engine brakes operating at...
Jacobs provided installation support of its Cylinder Deactivation technology, which complements the ClearFlame high-temperature, carbon-neutral strategy.
Independent engine tests indicated that Jacobs’ Cylinder Deactivation systems can deliver better fuel economy while keeping diesel exhaust aftertreatment systems operating at ...
Kyle Lazzaro, business manager at Jacobs Vehicle Systems, discusses the evolution of engine braking technology, as well as products to help address changes to vehicle design and...
The company says its cylinder deactivation engine systems can keep diesel exhaust aftertreatment systems operating at optimal temperatures to support reducing NOx and CO2 emissions...
Third-party laboratory testing has confirmed that CDA technology developed by Jacobs Vehicle Systems improves fuel consumption by up to 5 percent while also being able to exponentially...
The North American Technology Tour will feature a new demonstrator truck equipped with technological enhancements to promote better fuel consumption, reduce harmful emissions,...
Jacobs eliminates the need for valve lashing adjustments and makes lashless valvetrains compatible with engine braking, benefiting fuel economy and emissions.
Jacobs Vehicle Systems’ hardware, developed to meet Tula Technology’s systems requirements, will further enhance fuel savings and emissions reductions.