Lifting expectations: Latest commercial vehicle automotive lifts
With heavier and more complex commercial vehicles hitting the road, it's becoming more and more critical that shops have the right lift for the job. But doing so has been no straightforward road as assets have developed by leaps and bounds over the years.
Read more: Latest lifts to elevate shop profits“Twenty to 30 years ago, your grandfather’s Cadillac, weighing 4,500 lbs., was the largest vehicle being lifted," said Brian Spikes, vice president and general manager of Challenger Lifts. "Today, we lift 25’ long four-door dually trucks that weigh 12,000 lbs. We also saw the introduction of the unibody vehicle, where there was no frame on which to lift."
Developments such as these have meant that OEM's have been releasing updated shop equipment at a faster pace than ever, keeping pace with the advent of electric vehicles, lifting point evolution, and safety trends. Now, here's some of the best lifts to consider for your shop as featured in Fleet Maintenance and Professional Tool & Equipment News' 2023 Lift Supplement.