Bosch U.S.A.
Pavel Reza 62e19845b1fe3 6348340ec5b62

Pavel Reza

Product Manager, filters and batteries | Bosch U.S.A.

Pavel Reza is a Bosch U.S.A. product manager (filters and batteries). Reza completed his undergrad in Automotive Management at SUNY Morrisville, N.Y., and later received his MBA in marketing from Mercy College. He has 13 years of automotive experience, getting his start in 2009 while studying the trade and working in a classroom-dealership environment. He then transitioned into a new position with AutoZone as a customer service/parts counterman and commercial specialist/driver, eventually moving on to a manufacturing company like Bosch. He enjoys being around high-performance vehicles, attending race car shows — whenever he can — and has a need for speed. Reza enjoys being part of the automotive industry because of his ability to help others through trustworthy advice, providing resources, and getting people to their destinations safe and sound. You can reach him at [email protected]

OTC 550 Series Digital Multimeter
Diagnostic & Repair

Get smart on battery health

Oct. 13, 2022
We take a deeper look at how repair shops can be prepared with smart tools ahead of the EV influx.