Brian Schwartz 6086d04ea7a21 609949a67452d

Brian Schwartz

Certified Energy Specialist at CHS Lubricants
Brian Schwartz 6086d04ea7a21 609949a67452d

Brian Schwartz is a District Sales Manager with the Lubricants team in Nebraska and Colorado. Brian has many years of ag, fleet, and construction experience in both mechanic and lubricant sales. He is also an ASE Certified Heavy Duty Diesel Master Mechanic and previously worked as a diesel mechanic for over ten years.

Photo by Pongmoji | Dreamstime
Transmission Fluid Pongmoji Dreamstime 6086d15f25cd5
Fluids & Chemicals

Four critical checkpoints to maintain proper lubrication

May 10, 2021
From front bumper to rear taillights, performing quick, regular checkup on these four areas can help keep vehicles performing their best — even under demanding conditions.