Darry W. Stuart

president and CEO, DWS Fleet Management Services
Photo courtesy of Peach State Truck Centers
There are many simple measures and processes than can be applied to any maintenance operation to reduce costs, which is more beneficial than cost cutting. This can be done taking a discerning look at the operation to determine where changes and adjustment can be made to increase efficiencies and productivity.
Shop Management

40 ways to lower, not cut, maintenance costs

April 10, 2017
Recommendations for cost reductions in the maintenance operation.
Vehicle downtime and inefficiency of technicians costs both time and money. Therefore, it is imperative that parts and inventory rooms be clean, organized, have functional storage fixtures and be designed to improve operational efficiency in order to keep up with the requirements and demands of the maintenance operation.
Shop Management

24 steps to smarter parts management

May 13, 2016
How to improve parts management.
By getting out from behind the desk and making learning-oriented visits with employees, managers become more engaged and can uncover areas of wastes and high costs that negatively impact the organization’s bottom line.
Shop Management

Do you have real visibility and control of your operation?

April 14, 2014
How to stay in touch with what is really going on in your organization.