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Photo courtesy of CarriersEdge
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Employees & Training

CarriersEdge releases training course on cybersecurity

April 9, 2020
The course is designed to help truck drivers and office staff better understand how to protect personal and company information from cyberattacks.
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Industry News

CarriersEdge offers six ways to show drivers you appreciate them

Sept. 6, 2017
Companies that can demonstrate they value their drivers year-round have an easier time recruiting and retaining good employees.
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Employees & Training

CarriersEdge adds online training course designed to help truck drivers keep their focus on the road

Aug. 3, 2017
By combining text, images, interactivity and real-world scenarios, the CarriersEdge course helps drivers understand the dangers distractions pose.

Articles & News

Shop Operations

CarriersEdge names 2025 Best Fleets to Drive For

Feb. 5, 2025
Made up of trucking companies nominated by their drivers for stellar workplace experiences, these fleets set the example for how to treat your employees.
Photo: CarriersEdge
Carriers Edge Tanker Injury Prevention Course
Shop Safety

CarriersEdge adds new course to prevent tanker injuries

Sept. 23, 2022
To avoid tanker accidents that can result in sprains, fractures, or head injuries, the Ontario-based company has released a course covering safety while climbing a tanker, using...
Photo courtesy of CarriersEdge
Online training and defined guidelines are a great way to provide drivers with the knowledge they need to do a complete inspection, but it doesn't give them the hands-on practice necessary to master the task.
Safety & Technology

Training, Safety And Maintenance

Aug. 10, 2017
The pre-trip vehicle inspection. In the technology world, it’s called "doing QA” (quality assurance). QA is used to confirm a product is safe and ready to be used. But, sometimes...

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