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Bad brakes, false logs were most common 2022 Roadcheck violations

Sept. 16, 2022
CVSA’s International Roadcheck put around 12,000 trucks and 4,000 drivers out of service during the North American safety blitz. Brake systems and tires were cited the most on vehicles, while false logs and wrong license class took out the most drivers.

Roadside inspectors put more than 12,000 commercial vehicles and nearly 4,000 commercial drivers out of service during the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s International Roadcheck. With a focus on wheel-ends this year, CVSA-certified inspectors conducted about 59,000 inspections during the three-day blitz.

The most common vehicle violations were for brake systems, tires, defective service brakes, lights, and cargo securement. False logs put more than 1,900 drivers out of service, and another 1,000 were cited for driving with the wrong class license. Hours of service, suspended license, and no medical card rounded out the top five reasons for driver violations.

See also: How wheel-end monitoring puts the brakes on thermal events

Vehicle out-of-service rates in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico hovered around 23%, according to the CVSA results released on Sept. 13. The May 17-19 International Roadcheck also saw a 6.4% driver out-of-service rate.
This year, CVSA focused on wheel-ends. Tires were the second most common out-of-service violation; wheels were seventh. There were 3,374 tire violations, accounting for 18.5% of all out-of-service breaches. Wheels were cited 784 times, making up 4.3% of violations during the three days. Wheel-ends made up 22.8% of violations across North America.

A commercial motor vehicle is placed out of service when an inspector finds critical vehicle violations—detailed in CVSA’s North American Standard Out-of-Service Criteria—during an inspection. Drivers and vehicles out of service cannot operate for a certain period or until the violation is corrected.

The vehicles that pass Level I or V inspections are eligible for a CVSA decal, which can be affixed to the vehicle and is valid for up to three months. During the May Roadcheck, inspectors distributed 14,200 decals, which show future inspectors that the truck had recently passed. CMVs had a 77.2% passing rate, and 93.6% of drivers did not receive out-of-service violations.

U.S. and Canada inspectors conducted 36,555 Level I inspections; Mexico inspectors conducted 1,150 Level V Inspections—combining for 37,705 Level I and V Inspections. They placed 8,718 vehicles out of service, which is a 23.1% vehicle out-of-service rate for North America. Out of the 48,966 Level I and II Inspections in Canada and the U.S., 11,181 vehicles were placed out of service, a 22.8% vehicle out-of-service rate. Also, 3,118 drivers were placed out of service, a 6.4% driver out-of-service rate.

See also: Maintenance and inspection tips to prepare for CVSA Brake Safety Week

More inspection stats

On May 17-19, inspectors performed 58,287 North American Standard Inspections, consisting of:

  • 36,555 Level I Inspections: This 37-step process checks the driver’s operating credentials and requirements and the vehicle’s mechanical fitness and regulatory compliance.

  • 12,411 Level II Inspections: This inspection involves reviewing the driver’s operating credentials and requirements and includes only vehicle inspection items that can be inspected without the inspector physically getting under the vehicle.

  • 8,171 Level III Inspections: This is the driver credentials and operating requirements inspection.

  • 1,150 Level V Inspections: This inspection involves vehicle inspection items and may be conducted at any location without a driver present.

Level I inspections

Inspectors in Canada and the U.S. primarily conduct the Level I inspection during International Roadcheck. The 37-step process involves a thorough inspection of the vehicle and the driver’s operating credentials.

  • Of the 36,555 Level I Inspections conducted in Canada and the U.S., 23.7% of the vehicles inspected (8,672) were placed out of service, and 6.1% (2,242) of drivers were placed out of service.

  • In the U.S., of the 33,196 Level I Inspections conducted, 7,912 commercial motor vehicles (23.8%) and 2,051 drivers (6.2%) were placed out of service.

  • In Canada, of the 3,359 Level I Inspections conducted, 760 commercial motor vehicles (22.6%) and 191 (5.7%) drivers were placed out of service.

Level V inspections

Inspectors in Mexico conducted 1,150 Level V Inspections. The Level V Inspection includes each of the vehicle inspection items specified under the North American Standard Level I inspection and may be conducted without a driver present. Thirty-six commercial motor vehicles were placed out of service, which is a 3.1% out-of-service rate.

This article originally appeared on

About the Author

Josh Fisher | Technology Editor

Josh Fisher is the technology editor for Fleet Owner.