Global Parts Distributors, LLC

Macon, GA 31216


About Global Parts Distributors, LLC


3279 Avondale Mill Rd.
Macon, GA 31216

More Info on Global Parts Distributors, LLC

Global Parts Distributors, L.L.C. (GPD) started out as Auto Air of Macon in 1974 as an automotive A/C installation and repair shop. Over the years our business has evolved, and today we are one of the most knowledgeable and dependable sources for aftermarket A/C parts and radiators in the United States.

The goal of GPD is to supply our customers with the best parts possible at the best prices possible while also supplying unparalleled customer service and support. These commitments are not taken lightly at GPD and our staff, with over 100 years of combined experience, always puts the needs of our customers first. In short, we want our customers to make money with GPD, and we will do whatever it takes to help you achieve this goal.

We believe that our commitment to our customers and our commitment to quality are what have allowed us to be successful in this business. We also believe that these same commitments are what will drive our growth in the future.


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Diagnostic & Repair

External Control Valve Compressor Tester, No. 5811584

Dec. 30, 2014
The Global Parts Distributors (GPD) External Control Valve Compressor Tester, No. 5811584 allows the technician to diagnose problems with external control valve compressors with...
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Diagnostic & Repair

Temperature Tester, No. 5811585

March 31, 2014
The Global Parts Distributors Temperature Tester, No. 5811585, allows technicians to easily and quickly measure the temperature performance of an automotive air conditioning or...

Articles & News

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Diagnostic & Repair

Tech Tip: Dealing with belt tensioner failure in 2000-08 Chevrolet trucks

April 7, 2015
Have you heard a rattle under the hood of your Chevrolet truck after installing a new compressor? The noise you hear may be caused by the belt tensioner.
2006 2012 VW Jetta Diesel Compressor Drive Pulley 55243aea00e45
Diagnostic & Repair

Tech Tip: Dealing with a 2006-12 VW Jetta Diesel's compressor drive pulley that has sheared

April 7, 2015
Are you working on a 2006-2012 VW Jetta Diesel that has come in for repairs with a compressor drive pulley that has sheared and is spinning freely? There may be more to look at...

Videos & Resources

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Diagnostic & Repair

GPD Temperature Testing Tool Video

Aug. 5, 2014
This video shows how to use the GPD Temperature Testing Tool.

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