67007 Kit Elements 5f68f62acdac2


Sept. 21, 2020
Whenever I consider purchasing any new tool I analyze the ROI (Return on Investment) to see if it will be worthwhile, what the cost of performing the service should be, and how long it will take to pay for the tool.

Whenever I consider purchasing any new tool, other than hand tools, I analyze the ROI (Return on Investment) to see if it will be worthwhile, what the cost of performing the service should be, and how long it will take to pay for the tool. A true ROI will not only evaluate the cost of the tool, but the impact, either negatively or positively, on other revenue sources and/or personnel in the shop. For example, if you were considering a large investment on an alignment machine, you would need to consider the revenue gains from performing alignments along with the potential revenue losses due to the loss of a bay, and possibly the loss of income from a technician now performing alignments rather than doing the work they previously did.

I wanted to evaluate the cost of the YELLOW JACKET ManTooth 67007 PTV. The PTV (Pressure Temperature Vacuum) consists of a set of Bluetooth temperature/pressure sensors that connect to the vehicle’s A/C system where you are then able to connect to your phone, or tablet, to remotely read temperatures and pressures throughout the A/C system.

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