MACS State of the Industry Report

Jan. 23, 2014
Report includes results of the first nationwide survey on mobile air conditioning systems in U.S. vehicle fleet in 10 years.

The Mobile Air Conditioning Society (MACS) State of the Industry Report includes the 2013 MACS Field Service Vehicle Survey, the first nationwide survey on mobile air conditioning systems in the U.S. vehicle fleet in 10 years. It also includes information on refrigerant usage, vehicle fires and cabin air quality, the use of 100 percent recirculated air and industry carbon dioxide exposure limits. The State of the Industry Report was presented at the 2014 MACS Training Event and Trade Show in New Orleans by Ward Atkinson, MACS technical director..

The 2013 MACS Field Service Vehicle Survey is the first part of the State of the Industry Report and includes vehicle information, vehicle service history, and the primary reason for service.

The second part of the State of the Industry Report includes the "Future of MACS." This section includes data on MAC refrigerant usage, EPA SNAP approval, refrigerant cost, MAC systems using R-1234yf, the European R-1234yf issue, EPA R-7-44 SNAP use conditions, current R-744 issues, R-455 blend refrigerant and new R-455 SAE service standards.

The third part of the State of the Industry Report includes "Vehicle Fires and Cabin Air Quality."

The last part of the report includes "Use of 100 percent Recirculated Air" and "Industry Carbon Dioxide Exposure Limits."

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