Drummond Pro-Truck Diesel Fuel Supplement

The Lawson Products Drummond Pro-Trucker, No. DL1500T12, is a year-round product designed to help fleet vehicles run smoother. Pro-Trucker is a premium diesel fuel supplement that cleans up dirty fuel injectors and keeps them clean. It can also be added directly to bulk diesel storage tanks. Pro-Trucker boosts the cetane number, reduces the minimum operating temperature by up to 15 degrees F to 25 degrees F, and improves the lubricity of diesel fuel. Pro-Trucker offers better fuel economy and reduced emissions, the company says. Additional product features and benefits include: anti-gel additives with a lower diesel fuel pour point; improved cold-starting and fuel line, filter and injector clogging prevention; special inhibitors to protect against rust and corrosion and; fuel stabilization to promote long-term storage.

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