The Zep 45 DualForce is a long-lasting, dual-action penetrant and lubricant with PTFE that can be used to loosen rusty and seized bolts and screws, minimize friction, and moisturize and protect door hinges, roll-up doors and more. The 45 DualForce has a large pad actuator with a fan mist spray for wide areas and a straw to pinpoint stream accuracy in narrow areas. 45 DualForce penetrates for 10 minutes or longer while delivering the lowest percentage of wear among tested competitors, according to the company. The product’s slotted stacker cap allows for easy straw storage. With less than 10 percent VOCs, the 45 DualForce meets and exceeds California VOC future and current requirements. It is available in a 20-oz aerosol can and a 1-gal liquid can.