The Shyft Group

Novi, MI 48375


About The Shyft Group


41280 Bridge St
Novi, MI 48375
United States of America

More Info on The Shyft Group

The Shyft Group uniquely combines in-depth industry knowledge, engineering and manufacturing expertise, and purposeful innovation to deliver job-enhancing efficiency-driving, ever-reliable products and services. Our consultative sales approach and adaptive production systems unearth opportunities for continuous improvement, resulting in cost-effective product solutions that better meet today’s demands and tomorrow’s needs. In sum, with Shyft Group you will find a culture centered on the customer and driven to deliver the most well-designed and reliable specialty vehicle solutions in the industry.

Articles & News

The Shyft Group
Battery & Electrical

Allegiance Trucks, Ascendance Trucks to service Blue Arc EVs

Nov. 11, 2024
The addition of Allegiance Trucks and Ascendance Trucks has given The Shyft Group 75 service locations for their Class 4 trucks.

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