GE Capital Fleet Services

Eden Prairie, MN 55344


About GE Capital Fleet Services


3 Capital Dr.
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
952 828 2875
952 903 8609

More Info on GE Capital Fleet Services

GE Capital Fleet Services, based in Eden Prairie, Minn., is a global fleet management company. With strategic consulting, deep analytical insights and experience in every industry, we’re uniquely positioned to help you continuously drive results – from the road all the way to the board room. In 2013, our fleet customers realized $209 million in savings through opportunities identified by our fleet team.



Sherri Ruesink

Marketing Communications

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All content from GE Capital Fleet Services

Small-scale solutions such as the LNG In A Box system may encourage the transition of long-haul trucks from diesel fuel to LNG.
Chassis, Body & Cab

GE unveils LNG in a box system

April 18, 2013
Gasfin selects new technology for fueling stations in Europe.