Ask the Expert: What is the benefit of using a PAO oil?
Question: What is the benefit of using a PAO oil?
Answer: Polyalphaolefin lubricants (PAOs) have superior oxidation resistance over group II mineral oils and group III synthetics because of their linear arrangement and lack of aromatic compounds. They are also fully saturated, so points on the hydrocarbon chains that were prone to oxidation do not exist.
Being nearly void of impurities means the anti-oxidant portion of the CK-4 additive package isn't in competition with the heterocyclic and sulfur compounds, which adds to the oxidative stability of PAOs.
PAOs also exhibit higher viscosity indexes than typical engine oils, requiring fewer viscosity improvers. Reducing the viscosity improvers in the oil reduces the amount of shearing that takes place, making your oil fall out of specification.
PAOs also have increased thermal stability and do not oxidize as quickly under extreme temperature conditions. Having no aromatic compounds on the hydrocarbon chain also lowers the volatility of PAOs when compared to other motor oils. A lower volatility means fewer emissions and less consumption of oil in between services.
Due to the alkyl groups attached to the polymer backbone, PAOs do not easily form crystalline structures and therefore have better cold flow properties. This linear arrangement with alkyl functional groups also keeps the pour point of PAOs remarkably low.
PAOs are much better suited for both extreme cold and high heat conditions, giving them a broader operating temperature range. The superior molecular stability and high levels of purity also mean the additive package stability is increased and will last longer in PAOs.
Longer drain intervals are also possible with PAO oils due to their impressive thermal, oxidation, molecular, and additive package stability and lower volatility. Your engine will see less wear on cold starts, which increases the longevity of the engine. Fewer maintenance costs and cleaner oil are all reasons why you should make the investment in Blue Diamond PAO Oils.
Information provided by Lubrication Specialties, Inc.