VSP News: Uptime Update, Episode 14 – Safety improvements with fifth wheel connections

Sept. 25, 2018
Thomas Bronz, director of field sales with SAF-Holland, addresses concerns with dropped trailers, and options fleets have when it comes to coupling safety on fifth wheels.

Dropped trailers can prove to be a financial burden for fleets, when dealing with damage to equipment if a trailer isn’t coupled properly. Not to mention dropped trailers are a safety concerns for drivers, fleet personnel and the general public. We talked with Thomas Bronz, director of field sales with SAF-Holland, about addressing concerns with dropped trailers, and options fleets have when it comes to coupling safety on fifth wheels.

Transcription of interview:

Erica Schueller, Fleet Maintenance: Welcome to VSP News: Uptime Update. I am your host Erica Schueller, editor-in-chief of Fleet Maintenance magazine, covering all maintenance, all vehicle classes, all management, all the time.

Dropped trailers can prove to be a financial burden for fleets, when dealing with damage to equipment if a trailer isn’t coupled properly. Not to mention, dropped trailers are a safety concerns for drivers, fleet personnel and the general public.

We talked with Thomas Bronz, director of field sales with SAF-Holland, about addressing concerns with dropped trailers, and options fleets have when it comes to coupling safety for fifth wheels.

Thomas Bronz, SAF-Holland: A dropped trailer is always challenge for a fleet, whether it be from the equipment standpoint, public safety standpoint, driver safety. Coupling a trailer is something a driver needs to make sure is done properly, in order to ensure public safety and also to make sure their equipment is safe and sound.

Schueller, Fleet Maintenance: Products are available to assist drivers with safe and accurate fifth wheel coupling, which companies like SAF-Holland have helped develop. Bronz discusses one such product available.

Bronz, SAF-Holland: In order to assist the driver with the coupling process in our product today, we have an ELI-te, which is an electronic lock indicator (technology enhanced). That product is made to provide the driver clear visibility of the lock jaws when he’s coupled the trailer, and to show the driver if he’s got an improperly coupled trailer so he doesn’t pull away from the dock in that condition.

Schueller, Fleet Maintenance: It is important to note, the ELI-te fifth wheel coupling assistant provides visual LED indicators to alert drivers of a successful or failed coupling attempt.

Regarding the needs of the fleet though, there are different requirements based on the equipment already on-hand. Bronz explains the options available dependent on fleet needs.

Bronz, SAF-Holland: The SAF-Holland fifth wheel is the most popular fifth wheel on the market. The FW-35 can be upgraded with an ELI-te. That can be retrofitted on an older vehicle. It can be installed when it’s rebuilt. It can be a complete top-plate assembly with an ELI-te installed. Or, it can be purchased on a new vehicle as a factory-installed option.

Schueller, Fleet Maintenance: Safety will always be critical for fleets. What can we expect when it comes to trailer coupling safety in the future? Bronz shares more.

Bronz, SAF-Holland: Coupling in fifth wheels is always a safety-first product. We look at stronger and safer (features) all the time. Lighter and more valuable is important to all fleets today. And, most importantly, the thing we’re working on today, every day, is making it better and easier for the driver to couple and uncouple (the trailer), and more driver-friendly so we can help the driver situation we have in the market today.

Schueller, Fleet Maintenance: For more information on the ELI-te fifth wheel coupling device, please check out the link below.

Thank you for tuning in to VSP News Uptime Update, I’m your host Erica Schueller.

Until our next broadcast, keep up with this, and other industry topics, by visiting us online at VehicleServicePros.com.

Learn more about the ELI-te fifth wheel coupling device.

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