Jim Petrucci 60776dcdc3b14

Jim Petrucci

Vice President
Phone: 440-237-4600

Jim Petrucci is the vice president at Oil Skimmers, Inc. Petrucci has authored many articles, whitepapers, and ebooks for those facing challenges of oily water applications. Oil Skimmers, Inc. – a manufacturer of oil skimmers, oil removal systems, and oil-water separators, specializing in separating and recovering all types of waste oils, greases, and fats from water – is headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, with factory-trained representatives across the U.S. and around the world.

Photo courtesy of Oil Skimmers, Inc.
The Model 5H Brill tube-type oil skimmer mounts directly on the edge of the main wastewater holding tank. The free-floating collector tube actively and continuously removes the oil and grease as it rises to the surface of the water.
In the Bay

Guest Blog: Efficient oil removal from wastewater

April 14, 2021
Oil skimmers and oil-water separators that remove oil at tank wash facilities simplify water treatment and ensure compliance with wastewater discharge regulations.