Buck Gasner 5d2e2b85a10f9

Buck Gasner

Operations Manager

Buck Gasner is operations manager for DEKRA Automotive North America and serves as the Associate Class representative to the Automotive Lift Institute (ALI) Board of Directors.

Photo courtesy of ALI
To improve bay safety, technicians should get to know their lifts by truly paying attention to potential safety hazards or damage to the lift and its accessories. For example, it is important to check lift contact points such as lifting pads to make sure they are free of debris, grease, oil, and anything else that may prevent solid contact. Adapters in the condition shown here should not be used.
Shop Equipment

Know your lift

Aug. 6, 2019
Techs who get to know the lifts they use regularly are more likely to notice the first signs of trouble, keeping themselves and all who use the lifts safer.