Embark Trucks, Inc.

San Francisco, CA 94107


About Embark Trucks, Inc.


424 Townsend St
San Francisco, CA 94107

More Info on Embark Trucks, Inc.


Emark Photo 5
Safety & Technology

Embark works with ZF, Cummins to further integrate autonomous technologies

Sept. 23, 2021
Embark and ZF will test prototypes, share data, and exchange technical information; collaboration with Cummins grants Embark access to their next-gen powertrain interface to accelerate...
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Industry News

Embark creates self-driving truck, begins testing in Nevada

March 9, 2017
The company—which gained approval by the State of Nevada earlier this year to begin testing its truck on public roads—has created a technology that allows trucks to drive from...

Articles & News

Embark Trucks
Emark Self Driving Truck Knight Swift 62042466127f5
Safety & Technology

Knight-Swift to employ Embark AV tech

Feb. 14, 2022
One of the largest for-hire carriers will take ownership of Embark-equipped tractors through the AV company’s new Truck Transfer Program.

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