
Greenville, SC 29605


About SmartTruck


1200 Donaldson Road
Greenville, SC 29605

More Info on SmartTruck

Building on its aerodynamic background in the aerospace, motorsports and automotive industries, SmartTruck is bringing the next generation of aerodynamic products to the trucking industry. SmartTruck is headquartered in Greenville, S.C. 


Videos & Resources

SmartTruck Systems Video
Emissions & Efficiency

SmartTruck aerodynamics systems Video

Nov. 12, 2015
SmartTruck Systems offer many aerodynamic benefits, which are explained in this video.
This photo shows three of the four aerodynamic device components that fleets can equip on their trailers. The undertray (blue) at the bottom middle of the trailer, the rear diffuser (blue) at the bottom back of the trailer, and the AeroEdge side fairings (white) at the top back part of the trailer.
Emissions & Efficiency

SmartTruck testing at the Michelin Proving Grounds

Dec. 9, 2013
SmartTruck, a manufacturer of aerodynamic vehicle devices, shared insights on the process for developing, creating and testing its products at the Michelin Proving Grounds in ...

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