Detroit Diesel Remanufacturing LLC

Detroit, MI 48239


About Detroit Diesel Remanufacturing LLC


13400 Outer Drive West
Detroit, MI 48239
United States

More Info on Detroit Diesel Remanufacturing LLC

Detroit Diesel Remanufacturing, LLC is a leader in the remanufacture of products for on and off-highway power systems. Detroit Reman employs approximately 1,500 people at six remanufacturing facilities strategically located in the U.S. and Mexico. Detroit Reman continuously improves its capabilities to remanufacture an expanding product portfolio to meet its customers’ needs.

Videos & Resources

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VSP News: Kolman's Korner, Episode 48 - Detroit Reman and remanufacturing v. rebuilding

Feb. 14, 2014
Detroit Reman's David Rhode talks about the differences between remanufacturing and rebuilding power systems.

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All content from Detroit Diesel Remanufacturing LLC

Kolman 3 Kw Seattle Wilson 10765222

Taking a gun to the board at DMR

Sept. 30, 2013
Trying my hand at soldering electronic components.
Kolman 3 Kw Seattle Wilson 10765222

What goes on inside the DMR?

Sept. 23, 2013
A tour of Detroit Reman's electronics remanufacturing operation.