Sandeepkarhighres 10643992

Sandeep Kar

Global Director, Automotive and Transportation Research, Frost & Sullivan
Phone: 416-490-7796

Sandeep Kar is global director of automotive and transportation research for Frost & Sullivan. He leads a team of analysts that research and analyze automotive technologies, economics, applications and markets, with special focus on global commercial vehicle industry. Frost & Sullivan ( works in collaboration with clients to leverage visionary innovation that addresses the global challenges and related growth opportunities that will make or break today's market participants.

Chart A: Medium and Heavy Duty Truck Global Sales - 2013-2014
Chassis, Body & Cab

Key structural modifications occurring in the global medium and heavy duty truck market

June 13, 2014
Sales are up, “value trucks” are coming and connectivity technologies are evolving.
Influences driving global growth of transit bus industries.
Chassis, Body & Cab

Global transit bus industry is going alternative

Oct. 11, 2013
Global transit bus industry to lead growth in hybridization and electrification of powertrains.
April Chart 10886085
Chassis, Body & Cab

Global 2013 medium and heavy commercial truck market outlook

April 12, 2013
Despite strong economic pushback medium and heavy truck sales set to reach 2.8 million
Frost Srinivasan 1 Mar 10843374
Shop Management

Class 8 trucks experiencing proliferation of downsized engines

Feb. 11, 2013
Reduction in engine displacement expected to trigger fleet maintenance opportunities.
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Chassis, Body & Cab

Major heavy duty truck OEMs change global platform strategies

Oct. 12, 2012
Multi-national truck platforms coming to North America
Sandeep Kar High Res
Shop Management

The North American trailer industry

Aug. 13, 2012
Commercial trailer market growth and change expected.