
Greenville, SC 29607


About Proterra


1 Whitlee Ct.
Greenville, SC 29607
United States

More Info on Proterra


Proterra adds San Antonio to list of cities operating its zero-emissions battery-electric buses
Chassis, Body & Cab

Proterra adds San Antonio to list of cities operating its zero-emissions battery-electric buses

Feb. 28, 2013
Latest addition evidence of growing transit demand for lower total lifecycle cost, more sustainable buses.

Articles & News

Photo courtesy of Proterra
Proterra is using both carbon-fiber and fiberglass composites in its electric buses, materials that are used based on design and loading requirements. Pictured as a finished product is the 40’ Catalyst Bus that features a carbon-fiber-reinforced body.
Collision & Painting

The role of composites in heavy duty trucks

March 3, 2020
As speculation grows over the potential increased use of composite materials in tractor-trailers, what do fleets need to know with respect to repairing these unique materials?...

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