Ko-ken USA

Chelmsford, MA 01824


About Ko-ken USA


10 Kidder Rd, Unit 8
Chelmsford, MA 01824

More Info on Ko-ken USA

Ko-ken Tool Co., Ltd. was founded in 1946. Ko-ken is a fourth generation family owed and operated business with a single focus on making the worlds best Sockets and Socket Wrenches.


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72T Z-Series Ratchet

Oct. 12, 2022
Features a dual pawl design
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Wobble Fix Extension Bars

Oct. 12, 2022
The Ko-ken Wobble Fix Extension Bars are designed to offer two different secure solutions for holding a socket in place. Wobble-Fix refers to the section of the extension bar ...
Spark plug sockets with spring clip.

Spark Plug Sockets with Spring Clip

Jan. 3, 2014
The Ko-ken Tools Spark Plug Sockets with Spring Clip is designed to securely grip a spark plug at its hexagonal part by two stainless spring clips. An internal brass guide holds...
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Universal Nut Grip Socket

Jan. 3, 2014
The Ko-ken Tools Universal Nut Grip Socket has twin balls at the 6-point opening. This tool is used to hold a bolt or nut tightly for safe and reliable work.
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Nut Setters with Sliding Magnet, No. 115G

Jan. 3, 2014
The Ko-ken Tools Nut Setters with Sliding Magnet, No. 115G, provides bolt clearance and magnetic function at the same time. The 115G is mainly designed for assembly-line work....

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All content from Ko-ken USA

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Impact Sockets (Thin Walled)

Jan. 3, 2014
The Ko-ken Tools Impact Sockets (Thin Walled) series are an addition to the product line. The straight-shaped body allows for deeper access in narrow spaces. The impact sockets...
Universal double joint impact swivel sockets, No. 13772-P

Universal double joint impact swivel sockets, Nos. 13772-P and 14772-P

Dec. 3, 2012
Koken universal double joint impact swivel sockets, Nos. 13772-P and 14772-P, allow the user to reach into even tighter spots than one regularly can with an impact swivel. This...
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3/8" Flexible Head Ratchet

July 24, 2012
Koken Tools USA offers the 3/8" Flexible Head Ratchet with New Head Lock Button. The position of Head Lock Button is moved to side of the joint part to reduce the possibility ...
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Z-Series of hand tools

Sept. 19, 2011
Koken Tools launched a new line of products with the Z-Series, including various types of sockets and socket sets, ratchets, hinge handles, extension bars, universal joints and...