Hammond Air Conditioning Ltd.

Ingersoll, ON


About Hammond Air Conditioning Ltd.


125 Samnah Crescent
Ingersoll, ON

More Info on Hammond Air Conditioning Ltd.


Hammondar 10211466
Chassis, Body & Cab

Arctic Breeze Truck A/C Split System

Dec. 29, 2010
Hammond packaged the A/C components of the the Arctic Breeze Truck A/C Split System so the condenser and fan are mounted externally, while the compressor and motor are located...
Arcticbreezetruckac 10130557
Chassis, Body & Cab

Arctic BREEZE Truck A/C

June 9, 2009
The US EPA has added Hammond Air Conditioning to its index of environmentally "smart" transportation technologies, qualifying Hammond to display the SmartWay service mark. The...

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