Reverse Backing Systems

Manor, TX 78653


About Reverse Backing Systems


12407 East Hwy 290 Ste 104
Manor, TX 78653
United States

More Info on Reverse Backing Systems


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Chassis, Body & Cab

Wireless Backup Sensor System

Aug. 11, 2008
Reverse Backing Systems now sells a wireless backup sensor system with four sensors and a wireless LCD with an audible alert. This LCD will inform the driver audibly with loud...
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Trailers, Towing & Specialty

Reverse Backing Systems

June 25, 2007
Reverse Backing Systems introduces a line of collision avoidance systems designed for all types of fleet vehicles: cars, vans, pick up trucks, commercial trucks and even 18 wheeler...
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Chassis, Body & Cab

Backing Systems

June 25, 2007
The newest technology from RBS features an LCD cable stretching 33 feet, making it ideal for any vehicle 30 feet or less in length. Special-order systems are available with 50...


Jared Jolly


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