Redtech Inc.

Drummondville J2E 1J4


About Redtech Inc.


1444 JB Michaud
Drummondville J2E 1J4
(819) 472-3441
(877) 773-3832
(819) 475-6355

More Info on Redtech Inc.

We manufacture innovative solutions for the trucking industry: We currently have three families of products: TRAILteck: remote controlled devices for trailer inspection (trailer testers) PROteckTION: Battery protection and electrical circuits management system THERMOteck: Innovative 12 volts A/C system


Trailerteckt04 10130256
Diagnostic & Repair


Dec. 4, 2008
Redtech just launched its latest product, TRAILERteck T04. The TRAILteck line of products is designed to help mechanics do quicker and more accurate trailer inspections. It acts...
Trailteck 10127330
Diagnostic & Repair


June 25, 2007
The TRAILteck products from Redtch, Inc., are designed to help you do quicker and more accurate tractor/trailer inspections. TRAILteck acts as a tractor simulator and allows mechanics...

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