Diagnostic Innovations, LLC

Ferndale, MI 48220


About Diagnostic Innovations, LLC


2843 Hilton Road
Ferndale, MI 48220
United States

More Info on Diagnostic Innovations, LLC

Diagnostics Innovations LLC is devoted to providing solutions that increase the productivity of vehicle technicians. Products include diagnostic and learning systems, product and software design, and consulting services.


Diagnostic Innovations VDA20P FRONT DETACHED 1 570fe21b16708
Diagnostic & Repair

VDA20P diagnostic tool

April 12, 2016
The VDA20P utilizes Diagnostic Innovations LLC proprietary Vehicle Diagnostic Assistant software to help technicians diagnose and troubleshoot engines, transmissions and braking...
vda 54p 55db5897ab5d4
Diagnostic & Repair

Vehicle Diagnostic Assistant (VDA) 54P

Aug. 24, 2015
The Vehicle Diagnostic Assistant (VDA) 54P from Diagnostic Innovations, a highly portable computer-based diagnostic system, is designed for truck, bus and auto technicians. It...
Vehicle Diagnostic Assitant 11127055
Diagnostic & Repair

Vehicle Diagnostic Assistant ToughPad

Aug. 26, 2013
The Diagnostic Innovations Vehicle Diagnostic Assistant (VDA) ToughPad is a rugged and highly portable computer based diagnostic tablet system designed for truck, bus and auto...
Vehicle Diagnostic Assistant
Diagnostic & Repair

Vehicle Diagnostic Assistant (VDA)

Aug. 23, 2012
Diagnostic Innovations' new Vehicle Diagnostic Assistant (VDA) computer based vehicle diagnostic system give enhanced capabilities to the truck, bus and auto technician. It integrates...
Vda 31p 2 10162550
Shop Management

Vehicle Diagnostic Tool

July 28, 2010
Diagnostic Innovations' Vehicle Diagnostic Assistant (VDA-31P) helps technicians diagnose and troubleshoot engines, transmissions and braking systems. It is a complete diagnostic...


Lenita Tillis

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All content from Diagnostic Innovations, LLC

Vehiclediagnosticassistant 10130833
Diagnostic & Repair

Vehicle Diagnostic Assistant

Sept. 3, 2009
The Vehicle Diagnostic Assistant (VDA) from Diagnostic Innovations lets heavy-duty vehicle technicians diagnose and troubleshoot the engines, transmissions and braking systems...
Digitaldiagnosticassistant 10124744
Shop Management

Digital Diagnostic Assistant

June 25, 2007
Digital Diagnostic Assistant from Diagnostic Innovations is a PC-based tool designed for the service bay. We customize the Assistant according to our customer's need. We offer...