
Irving, TX 75039-2298


About ExxonMobil


5959 Las Colinas Boulevard
Irving, TX 75039-2298

More Info on ExxonMobil

ExxonMobil is an international energy company, and one of the largest refiners and marketers of petroleum products.


Fluids & Chemicals

Mobil Delvac 1 ESP 5W-40

July 30, 2024
Delivers long drain capability and emission system protection
Fluids & Chemicals

Mobil Delvac 1300 Super 10W-30

July 30, 2024
A synthetic blend to extend engine life

Articles & News

Mobil Diesel
In the Bay

Commercial vehicle and diesel outlook for 2023

Jan. 12, 2023
Common questions surrounding commercial vehicles and diesel in 2023, with ExxonMobil’s Whitney Ranasinghe
Screengrab: ExxonMobil via YouTube
Stewart Hass Racing Mobil Delvac
Fluids & Chemicals

ExxonMobil uses NASCAR to highlight fleet best-in-class lubrication strategies

June 24, 2022
The "Mission: Unstoppable" campaign shows how Mobil Delvac solutions benefit NASCAR’s Stewart-Haas Racing team, and how fleets can also improve performance through better lubrication...
Photo courtesy of Noregon Systems
Launched in March 2019, the Noregon Education Program is now nationwide with nearly 40 participating schools. The Education Program provides students with the technology and resources used in the industry today.
Employees & Training

Podcast from ASE and ExxonMobil offers answers to technician shortage

Nov. 22, 2021
A recently launched podcast hosted by training experts from ASE and ExxonMobil dives deep into the maintenance talent pool issue and comes up with some pearls of wisdom.
Photo from Pexels
Fleets looking to enhance their diesel fuel formulation should seek input from their fuel providers on the additive content already in their supply.
Fluids & Chemicals

Guest Blog: Diesel fuel additive considerations

Nov. 9, 2020
Fuel from filling station pumps already contains additives designed to optimize diesel engine performance, so fleets should be cautious when determining whether aftermarket additives...
Photo courtesy of Exxon Mobil
The introduction of CK-4 and FA-4 engine oils brought along oils that had better viscosity control, better oxidation stability, and are able to remain in the engines longer.
Emissions & Efficiency

Engine oils and optimized DPF performance

June 15, 2020
How improved formulations for engine oils are helping to keep DPFs and aftertreatment systems running longer and more efficiently.
Mobil’s EZ Order app allows fleets to adjust and confirm order details when fluid supply gets low and a re-order is needed.
Shop Management

Innovative technology to automate product replenishment

Aug. 6, 2019
Mobil EZ is a system designed to help monitor fluid use and reordering.

Videos & Resources

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VIDEO: Why diesel engines lose power and efficiency over time

July 17, 2019
How do injector deposits affect engine performance characteristics?
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VSP News: Uptime Update, Episode 17 – How changes in lubricants impact technician training

Nov. 2, 2018
Paul Cigala, commercial vehicle lubricants application engineer at ExxonMobil, shares insights on the impact of different technological advancements on commercial vehicles as ...
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Lesmeister Transportation recommends Mobil Delvac for fleets

June 24, 2013
Barry Lesmeister, owner of Lesmeister Transportation, advises why he uses Mobil Delvac 1.


Debra Emory

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All content from ExxonMobil

Photo courtesy of ExxonMobil Lubricants
Used oil analysis is a process in which a fleet takes a sample of used engine oil from the vehicle and sends it to a laboratory to be analyzed.
Diagnostic & Repair

Trends in heavy duty diesel engine oils

May 7, 2019
New oil technologies, used oil analysis, and proper filtration help to optimize oil drain intervals.
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Fueling fleet operational efficiency: Proper diesel storage

Oct. 22, 2018
The value gained from investing in regular fuel storage maintenance should not be overlooked.
Photo from ExxonMobil

ExxonMobil introduces new Mobil Delvac 1 lineup of engine oils

Dec. 1, 2017
The new engine oils can help fleets minimize vehicle downtime and deliver increased fuel economy potential, without sacrificing engine protection.
When stored, a lubricant can be exposed to cyclic variation in temperature and other environmental conditions which may impact the components of the formulation or potentially allow ingress of contaminants from the environment – both of which have the potential to affect the product’s performance characteristics.
Fluids & Chemicals

How long has that been here?

Dec. 10, 2015
In addition to selecting the appropriate grease for the application, do not overlook the product’s shelf life. Shelf life represents the time period during which a stored product...
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Shop Management

Is reliability related to worker safety?

April 16, 2014
Sadly, each year, many workers are injured, some fatally, on the job. There are many reasons for this.When we fix some of the root causes of maintenance-oriented injuries and ...
Among the benefits Lesmeister Transportation reaped by converting its entire fleet to all synthetic lubricants from conventional mineral-based lubes was enhanced protection under all operating conditions and extended oil drain intervals.
Shop Management

A Changeover To All Synthetic Lubes

March 11, 2014
How this business decision resulted in a substantial savings for one trucking company