AESwave (Automotive Electronics Services, Inc.)

Fresno, CA 93727


About AESwave (Automotive Electronics Services, Inc.)


5465 E. Hedges Ave.
Fresno, CA 93727

More Info on AESwave (Automotive Electronics Services, Inc.)

AESwave specializes in the sales and support of hand-held electronic systems diagnostic equipment. For over 20-years we have provided pre-sale advice and after-purchase support for a full range of tools across many brands for every diagnostic situation:

Driveability: Lab scopes, Multimeters, Scan Tools, Smoke Machines, Circuit Testers.
Reprogramming and resetting: Flash and TPMS tools
Hybrid diagnostics: CAT-III rated tools, protection, and training
Training: Books, DVDs, and Seminars
Test Leads: Custom test leads and adapters


Diagnostic & Repair

Fuse Amp Loop with Voltage Tap

March 1, 2018
The AESwave Fuse Amp Loop with Voltage Tap is designed for easy capture of current and voltage waveforms at the fuse socket. This tool can be used with any amp clamp, DMM or lap...
Diagnostic & Repair

Electronics Acupuncture Probe Kit, No. 05-762

Jan. 16, 2018
The AESwave Electronics Acupuncture Probe Kit, No. 05-762, is designed for probing small, fragile connectors or multiple connections at a single connector. These probes are sharp...
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Diagnostic & Repair

uTest, No. 16-200

June 21, 2016
The AESwave uTest advanced terminal test and adapter kit, No. 16-200, contains 110 pieces, including 88 of the most popular terminal leads. The kit offers 11 sets of four male...
SenX Barbed 57277e377eba0
Diagnostic & Repair

FirstLook Engine Diagnostic Pulse Sensor

May 2, 2016
The AESwave FirstLook Engine Diagnostic Pulse Sensor verifies the mechanical condition of the engine before using a scan tool. With the sensor connected to a lab scope and inserted...
AESWave uScope
Diagnostic & Repair


April 14, 2015
The AESwave uScope is a single-channel, pocket-sized labscope. The device fits in a shirt pocket and captures the fastest signals. According to the company, it boots up in less...

Articles & News

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Shop Management

Top 10 Tools: Mike Reynolds, Mobile Automotive Service Solutions

June 15, 2018
This Charleston, South Carolina-based mobile tech shares his top tools.
Diagnostic & Repair

Top 10 Tools: David Friend, MobileTech/Wilmington Hybrids

April 13, 2018
This technician turned two-shop owner shares his top tools.
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Diagnostic & Repair

Top 10 Tools: Greg Jones, Luscious Garage

Feb. 13, 2018
This San Francisco-based tech shares his top tools for hybrid repairs.
Elliot Maras
Shop Management

Innovation Awards: Techs and shop owners recognize the best new tools

June 7, 2013
The votes are in and the results have been announced! Beginning on page 24, the PTEN Innovation Awards recognize the most innovative products introduced in the last year to the...

Videos & Resources

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Diagnostic & Repair

AESwave uScope Video

March 23, 2012
A demonstration of the AESwave uScope.

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All content from AESwave (Automotive Electronics Services, Inc.)

Phil’s Electric Piercing Probe
Diagnostic & Repair

Phil's Electric Piercing Probe

May 5, 2014
This wire-piercing probe allows the capture of voltage information off of a live wire for diagnostic purposes, either with a voltmeter or a scope. The probe is spring loaded and...
Universal Terminal Driveability Kit
Diagnostic & Repair

Universal Terminal Driveability Kit, No. 16-200

Jan. 11, 2014
The AESWave Universal Terminal Driveability Kit, No. 16-200, includes a huge number of items such as a piercing clip that pierces through insulated wires without cutting or stripping...
The AESWave uActivate Ultimate Circuit Breakout Box can perform a voltage drop across the relay control circuit. For information on this tool, visit
Diagnostic & Repair

uActivate Ultimate Circuit Breakout Box

April 15, 2013
The AESwave uActivate Ultimate Circuit Breakout Box makes it easy to connect test equipment to complete voltage, current and resistance tests. Connect the uActivate to the circuit...
Aesuscopev2inhandnobackgroundh 10450617
Diagnostic & Repair

uScope Pocket Digital Storage Ocilloscope

Aug. 15, 2011
Automotive Electronics Service offers the uScope single-channel, pocket-sized digital storage ocilloscope (DSO). This DSO comes with automotive presets, and allows users to create...
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Diagnostic & Repair

uActivate Circuit Tester Assistant

Aug. 15, 2011
The uActivate Circuit Tester Assistant from Automotive Electronics Service performs current, voltage and resistance tests right from the palm of your hand, with easy and thorough...
Scanlabscopetoolreadybag 10096665
Diagnostic & Repair

Scan/Lab Scope Tool Ready Bag

Feb. 26, 2008
The Scan/Lab Scope Tool Ready Bag by Automotive Electronics is designed to securely hold popular lab scopes and scan tools, as well as their accessories. The bag sets up quickly...
St3testdrivesetof10testleads 10096663
Diagnostic & Repair

ST3 Test Drive set of 10' test leads

Feb. 26, 2008
New from AES is the ST3 Test Drive set of 10' test leads for Snap-on's MODIS, which the company feels can help solve the problems of OEM test leads that are too short as well ...
Obdiilinespi 10128764
Diagnostic & Repair

OBD-II LineSpi SMART BOB pass-thru breakout box

June 25, 2007
The AES OBD-II LineSpi provides breakout box capabilities for the DLC connector whether using a scan tool or not. The AES OBD-II LineSpi can be used to quickly determine the integrity...