Deepfreeze Refrigerants Inc.

Mississauga, Ontario L4T 1G2


About Deepfreeze Refrigerants Inc.


2695 Slough St.
Mississauga, Ontario L4T 1G2

More Info on Deepfreeze Refrigerants Inc.


Duratorchno 10101280
Shop Equipment

Duratorch, No. DC8050

May 2, 2008
The Duracool Duratorch Torch Kit, No. DC8050 from Deepfreeze Refrigerants, features a compact, rugged design, adjustable flame control, long-lasting fuel cartridges and self-igniting...
Acsealerandrechargekitno 10101278
Shop Equipment

A/C Sealer and Recharge Kit, No. DC0010

May 2, 2008
The Duracool A/C Mobile Sealer and Recharge Kit, No. DC0010 from Deepfreeze Refrigerants, seals leaks in rubber hoses, O-rings and gaskets and charges the system. Kit includes...
Acmobilesealantandtuneupkitno 10101276
Shop Equipment

A/C Mobile Sealant and Tune Up Kit, No. DC0024

May 2, 2008
The Duracool A/C Mobile Tune-up and Sealant Kit, No. DC0024 from Deepfreeze Refrigerants, seals leaks in metal parts like condensors and evaporators. Kit includes one can of Duracool...
Universalmobileairconditioningrechargekit 10097382
Shop Equipment

Universal Mobile Air Conditioning Recharge Kit

Feb. 26, 2008
The Duracool Universal Mobile A/C Recharge Kit, No. DC0026 from Deepfreeze Refrigerants, contains two cans of of Duracool Refrigerant (anough to charge most vehicles), adapter...

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