K-Line Industries

Holland, MI 49424


About K-Line Industries


315 Garden Ave.
Holland, MI 49424

More Info on K-Line Industries


At32000 (1)

Tire Runout Gauge, No. AT32000

Aug. 19, 2019
The K-Line Industries Tire Runout Gauge, No. AT32000, provides a rugged and sturdy tool that can easily and quickly diagnose irregular wear and potentially dangerous runout in...
K Line Tire Runout Gauge

Tire Runout Gauge

Aug. 9, 2011
The K-Line Tire Runout Gauge measures both radial and lateral tire runout conditions, helping to eliminate irregular tire wear, ride vibration and lengthen the life of tires. ...
Klinetirerunoutgauge 10307883

Tire Runout Gauge

July 26, 2011
The K-Line Tire Runout Gauge measures both radial and lateral tire runout conditions, helping to eliminate irregular tire wear, ride vibration and lengthen the life of tires. ...
Klineindustries144pagecatalog 10098246
Employees & Training

K-Line Industries 144-Page Catalog

Feb. 26, 2008
K-Line offers a wide variety of machine shop tools, equipment and supplies to support its engine and cylinder head rebuilding industry in their new 144-page catalog. All of the...
At3635ultrasonicleakdetectorkit 10098250
Diagnostic & Repair

AT3635 Ultrasonic Leak Detector Kit

Feb. 26, 2008
K-Line's AT3635 Ultrasonic Leak Detector Kit highlights a hand-held diagnostic detector that identifies and pinpoints leaks in weather seals, shorts and arcing in electrical systems...

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Klineredesignedwebsite 10098244
Employees & Training

K-Line Redesigned Website

Feb. 26, 2008
K-Line has redesigned its website, www.klineind.com, to offer consumers the choice to purchase products from K-Line online, in addition to already being able to order machine ...
Ngvservicekit99 10098248
Diagnostic & Repair

NGV Service Kit 99

Feb. 26, 2008
Know-It-All Natural Gas Kit 100344506 The NGV Service Kit 99 combines many diagnostic tools that perform specific tests on natural gas vehicles in one kit. The kit consists of...