IOSiX OBD-II Datalogger

IOSiX OBD-II Datalogger
   * Support for all existing OBD-II protocols
   * Small and easy to use - plug-in and go!
   * Easily configurable data logging (parameters, rates)
   * Capable of logging any information on the vehicle data bus,
including manufacturer-specific codes and non-OBD-II CAN bus data
   * Custom firmware available to perform calculations and logical
reasoning on-the-fly
   * Can interface to a computer for live data collection, or can
acquire data autonomously
   * Can be used to view, log, and clear codes

   * Data is logged to a microSD card, allowing virtually limitless
storage, easy swapping & quick download
   * Data storage card can plug directly into a computer or PDA with
small adapter
   * Approximately two years of continuous data with a 2GB card
(~20,000 driving hours, >500,000 mi)
   * Integrated real-time clock and battery voltage sensor
   * Integrated 0.1°C accurate cabin temperature sensor
   * 3-axis ±2/8g accelerometer @ 400Hz, for logging vehicle dynamics
and tracking driver behavior
   * Will not lose power or data due to engine start/stop
   * Fuel economy logging/analysis capability (excellent for vehicle fleets)
   * Scantool/parameter interface palm-sized tablet, eliminates need
for laptop or bulky scantools; wireless capability also available
   * Wireless analog interface board to synchronously acquire
non-OBD-II sensor data, including high-frequency signals
   * GPS capability to synchronize data collected with location
   * Available stand-alone or integrated GPS/GSM module to send live
OBD-II data over cellular network (full or summarized) and to permit
live vehicle tracking
   * Wifi, Nordic/ANT 2.4GHz, and Bluetooth radios also available

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