TMCSuperTech 2019 marks the 15th anniversary of the Technology & Maintenance Council (TMC) National Technician Skills Competitions, designed to determine the industry’s top technician through a variety of troubleshooting tests and skills challenges.
Organized by TMC’s Professional Technician Development Committee (PTDC), TMCSuperTech 2019 will showcase the high degree of skill and knowledge shown every day by trucking industry technicians. This competition is considered trucking’s only industry-wide competition dedicated both to honoring technician professionalism and acknowledging the “best of the best.”
This year’s competition schedule includes a written test, a series of qualifying rounds, and the final Hands-on Skills Challenge. For 2019, there will be three professional tracks — traditional (heavy duty), trailer, and light/medium vehicle. The traditional (heavy duty) track spans two days — Sunday and Monday. The trailer and light/medium tracks will take place on Monday.
How to get involved
Step 1—Register
Any technician employed in the trucking industry may register for TMC’s National Technician Skills Competitions and must do so by the August 16 deadline.
The entry fee for TMC technician members is $275. The entry fee for non-member technicians is $375, which also includes TMC technician membership for the balance of 2019. The entry fee is waived for verified champions of 2019 state trucking association technician skills contests.
Step 2—Come to Raleigh
The competitions will be held at the Raleigh Convention Center, Sept 15-16. Registration opens as early Saturday, September 14, where attendees will be given TMCSuperTech credentials. The orientation takes place Sunday, September 15 at 7 AM.
Step 3—Compete in the qualifying rounds
All traditional (heavy duty) track contestants will compete in qualifying rounds on Sunday, September 15, consisting of several hands-on skill pre-qualification tests. There are no qualifying rounds for the trailer or light/medium technician tracks.
Step 4—Attend the reception
After the qualifying rounds, at the TMCSuperTech 2019 Reception contestants who will compete in the traditional (heavy duty) track finals on Monday, September 16 will be announced. A maximum of 119 traditional track contestants will advance to compete in Tuesday’s Hands-on Skills Challenge. Certified grand champions from State Trucking Association contests will automatically be included in the Hands-on Skills Challenge.
Step 5—Enjoy the finals
On Monday from 8 AM to 4 PM, qualifying contestants will compete in a series of stations, covering a variety of diagnostic skills areas. Contestants will be provided the list of stations in advance when they receive their welcome packet and official rules and guidelines manual in August.
Observers are welcome on the competition floor, too.
Step 6—Attend the awards banquet
The winners of the competition will be announced and presented trophies and prizes during TMC’s Industry Awards Banquet. Awards will be given for first, second and third best in the overall competition and separately for the trailer track. Winners will also be named for those receiving the best score at each skills station.
First Place: TMCSuperTech Grand Champion will receive an expense-paid trip to the 2019 Daytona 500, plus other prizes. The winner will also be presented with a special trophy and his or her name will appear on the TMCSuperTech Grand Champion Banner that is displayed at every TMC meeting. Second place and third place winners will also receive trophies and valuable prizes. Individuals who place “Best in Skills Category” will be recognized as well.