Undeniably a critical aspect of driver safety, advanced driver assistance systems aren't always as straightforward as users would like them to be. To help simplify the conversations around ADAS, Hunter Engineering has launched a website that breaks down more complicated ADAS procedures and terminology into sections that are easier to grasp.
Hunter’s interactive ADAS Learning Tool can be accessed via touchscreen tablet or desktop computer for free, and allows drivers or new techs to explore on their own, answering many of the questions they may have regarding the systems and their specific functions.
“While shops generally know much more about ADAS than their customers at this point, there’s still some confusion and uncertainty when they talk to them,” said Tommy Maitz, director of marketing at Hunter. “This tool is a quick and easy way for everyone to understand the concepts and get on the same ADAS page.”
The tool begins by separating ADAS procedures into four main categories: camera, radar, ultrasound, and internal. The site then provides brief overviews and images for each type to aid with in-person discussions. From there, a user can examine the color-coded vehicle image to learn about the specific functions and locations of ADAS components, and when calibrations would be recommended or required.