4-Piece Locking Hose Clamp Pliers Set No. HC4SET

Featuring the unique waffle design that "bites" the clamp and a locking handle to keep the clamp secure, the Mac Tools 4-Piece Locking Hose Clamp Pliers Set, No. HC4SET, contains a 7" and 9" hose clamp locking pliers and 7" and 9" pinch-off pliers. The metal plates inside the jaws of the hose clamp pliers are waffle cut allowing the tool to bite on the flat band hose clamp from straight on, on the side or a corner of the protruding clamp parts. The hose pinch pliers are also one-hand use. The 7" size allows for ease of use with vac/fuel lines and the 9" size covers most radiator hoses.

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