Q: Why is compressed air treatment important?
A: Dry, cool air is critical in many applications, as well as essential in ensuring an air system’s reliability and efficiency.
Employing an air dryer ensures the delivery of dry, cool compressed air, preventing moisture from reaching sensitive areas downstream from the air compressor and damaging pneumatic equipment and tools, as well as ensuring production quality standards are not compromised.
Dry, cool air is critical for applications such as auto body collision repair shops because the end product is directly affected by the quality of compressed air. Compressed air delivered directly from an air compressor is usually not suitable for its intended use due to many factors. The discharge temperature from the air compressor may be too high for distribution and use and this hot, compressed air contains moisture that will ultimately condense into liquid as it cools travelling through the distribution system. Water accumulation on the inner surfaces of pipes and fittings also causes an increase in pressure drop. A loss of pressure is a loss of energy used to compress air.
In addition to satisfying an applications particular compressed air requirements, dry, cool, clean air most likely always results in lower operating costs. Compressed air treatment is critical in ensuring an efficient and effective compressed air system.
Information provided by: DV Systems