CarbonClean 245 cleaning system

MotorVac’s CarbonClean 245 two-line cleaning system connects to the engine using vehicle-specific adapters, temporarily replacing the vehicles fuel system. During the first cleaning phase (with the engine off), the system circulates MotorVac’s powerful yet safe proprietary cleaning MV3 detergent mixed with gasoline through the components of the engine's fuel system. This phase safely dissolves contaminants, gum and varnish deposits, capturing them in the unit’s ten micron filter. The air intake plenum, throttle body and intake runners are cleaned utilizing the ICS kit in conjunction with the foaming MV4 detergent. During the second cleaning phase (engine running), the system cleans the injector screens, intake and exhaust valves, top of pistons, combustion chamber, oxygen sensor and catalytic converter. This safely dissolves and removes most of the soft carbon deposits, passing them harmlessly out with the exhaust.

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