BTU 2000+ Portable Gas Analyzer

Multifunctional Unit The new BTU 2000+ Portable Gas Analyzer from E Instruments is a portable and multifunctional unit, ideal for servicing and maintaining purposes for HVAC professionals. The new BTU 2000+ unit:

  • Works on boilers, heaters and other domestic and industrial applications.
  • Analyzes up to 2 gases O2 and CO and calculates CO2.
  • Works as a pipe pressure leak detector, draft and differential pressure meter.
  • Has a 7" removable flue gas dual probe.
  • Contains a water trap.
  • Is easy to use with direct function keys.
  • Has a built in impact printers and gas sniffer.
  • Has 10 programmable fuels.
  • Offers a 250 memory test.
  • Can be used with Windows software.

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