Cooper Phillip Mosier Headshot 5d1274da5158b

Phillip Mosier

Manager of Commercial Tire Development

Phil Mosier is the manager of Commercial Tire Development at Cooper Tire & Rubber Company. A 20-year tire professional, he is responsible for the design and development of commercial truck and bus tires for the North and South America regions. Mosier and his team have brought to market many successful commercial truck tires in the Cooper Commercial Series and Roadmaster brand tire lines.

Cooper Tire & Rubber
Phil Tire
Brakes, Tire & Wheel

Not all SmartWay tires are created equally

Dec. 9, 2021
SmartWay tires represent about 80% of long-haul tires on the road, and manufacturers have improved tire technology to achieve results above SmartWay standards, so checking rolling...
Photo courtesy of Cooper Tire & Rubber
Considerations for assessing tire lifecycle include: the initial cost, their effect on fuel consumption, the wear life of the tires, and the residual value.
Brakes, Tire & Wheel

Factors to help determine the lifecycle of tires

July 5, 2019
Items such as upfront cost, fuel efficiency, tread life, and casing value should all be considered when assessing the true cost of a commercial vehicle tire.