Jason Rudinoff Dec2011 5859a3c87b987

Jason Rudinoff

Regulatory Compliance Analyst and Safety Specialist, ARI
Jason Rudinoff, Regulatory Compliance Analyst and Safety Specialist, ARI
Tech Tips

Ask the Expert: Will fleets use the newly installed ELD for items other than electronic logging?

Dec. 20, 2016
Even though the ELD mandate has essentially made telematics mandatory for fleets who meet the specific criteria, there are some additional spillover benefits fleets are realizing...
Jason Rudinoff, Regulatory Compliance Analyst and Safety Specialist, ARI
Tech Tips

Ask the Expert: In simple terms, what is the ELD mandate?

Dec. 20, 2016
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has made it mandatory to track Hours of Service (HOS) electronically.
Jason Rudinoff, Regulatory Compliance Analyst and Safety Specialist, ARI
Tech Tips

Ask the Expert: How soon will fleets be required to install ELDs in their vehicles?

Dec. 20, 2016
While the government has outlined different phases to allow fleets time to adopt this new technology, the official cutoff date when the ELD mandate goes into effect is Dec. 18...