Verizon Networkfleet provides cost-effective fleet management solutions for government agencies, small- to medium-sized businesses, and enterprise fleets. In a world where everyone must do more with less, Networkfleet’s proprietary GPS vehicle tracking and engine diagnostic technologies provide the accurate, timely data organizations need to manage their fleets more efficiently and effectively. With Networkfleet’s industry-leading fleet tracking system, organizations can lower costs, boost productivity, improve driver safety, enhance customer service, and compete more effectively. Included at no additional cost is a limited lifetime warranty and emergency roadside assistance to all vehicle classes.
According to the 2021 study, Verizon Connect customers can see significant improvements through cost reductions, a focus on driver safety, and reduction of vehicle idling.
Verizon Connect introduced updated offerings including a new solution for asset tracking, feature sets that are driving the evolution of its Workforce Mobile application and an...
Fleets have several technologies to help them navigate the challenges of 2025, including GPS tracking and video telematics, explains Verizon Connect's Peter Mitchell in this data...
According to Verizon Connect, fleets are leveraging GPS tracking and in-cab video to increase their safety and efficiency as well as maintenance and labor cost savings.
You already have the best drivers and vehicles, so maximize their value by improving the productivity of your business. Download this white paper to find out how GPS vehicle tracking...
Managing risk is part of operating any business. It’s also a smart way to lower costs and boost profitability. If you operate a fleet of vehicles, you can reduce the risks to ...
Unique to the industry, J.J. Keller’s Encompass compliance system will be added later this year to Verizon Networkfleet’s comprehensive fleet management portfolio.