WIX Filters

Gastonia, NC 28053-1967


About WIX Filters


P.O. Box 1967
Gastonia, NC 28053-1967
United States

More Info on WIX Filters

WIX designs, manufactures and distributes products for automotive, diesel, agricultural, industrial and specialty filter markets.


Wix Pro Tec Pr Image Web

WIX upgrades ProTec line

Nov. 4, 2021
The re-engineered WIX ProTec line of products, launching Q1 2022, will include improved oil filter filtration media to allow for up to 10,000 miles of engine protection.
Senzit Sensor (1)
Diagnostic & Repair

Senzit Smart Air Filter Monitor

June 28, 2018
The WIX Filters Senzit Smart Air Filter Monitor allows users to monitor, in real-time, the air filter status for each individual piece of equipment to help reduce unnecessary ...
Wix Xc Air 42253 Outer Inner 594c2d5ccf440
Shop Equipment

Heavy Duty Air Filters with NanoPro Technology

June 22, 2017
WIX Filters offers a new line of air filters with NanoPro technology. Initially featured in 33 heavy-duty air filter part numbers, the technology provides higher initial efficiency...
3 WIX Global Packaging Gen 563b7a5e54534

WIX Filters announces new global packaging

Nov. 5, 2015
In the next step of its brand evolution, WIX Filters, a global manufacturer of filtration products, is introducing new global packaging during the Automotive Aftermarket Products...

Articles & News

WIX Filters
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Employees & Training

WIX Filters announces 2023–2024 scholarship winners

May 18, 2023
The six scholarship recipients will receive funds toward their technical education in agricultural engineering and mechanization or diesel mechanics.
Photo courtesy of WIX Filters
As we look ahead to the future of new media technology, the industry must remain committed to advanced filtration products on which fleets can rely.

Advancements in new filter media

June 5, 2019
Efficient and cost-effective filter options will continue to drive product development.
Photo courtesy of Luber-finer
A visual inspection does not always give the best representation of air filter performance. Using an air filter restriction gauge is an excellent way to accurately measure how well air is flowing into an engine.

Trends in heavy duty truck filtration

July 11, 2018
Filters that directly and indirectly protect the engine – including engine oil filters, fuel system filters and air intake filters - require closer monitoring and replacement....

The regulatory influence

Dec. 9, 2016
Donald ChiltonVice President, Product Management WIX Filters (www.wixfilters.com) designs, manufactures and distributes products for automotive, diesel, agricultural, industrial...


Bruce Johnston

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All content from WIX Filters

WIX Mobile Diesel 54c8077b49364

Mobile and Stationary Water Absorbers

Jan. 27, 2015
The WIX Filters Mobile and Stationary Water Absorbers are available for both diesel and gasoline systems. Users can remove accumulated water resulting from condensation through...
Hydraulic Oil Water Absorber 12 19 14 54aa9f2ea96c3
Trailers, Towing & Specialty

Molecular hydraulic oil water absorber

Jan. 5, 2015
The WIX Filters molecular hydraulic oil water absorber offers ongoing protection by removing all forms of water – bound, free and emulsified – in all hydraulic oils. The product...
Wix Filters Eco Las Theavydutyoilfilter
Fluids & Chemicals

ecoLAST Heavy Duty Oil Filter

July 19, 2011
WIX Filters announced the availability of five ecoLAST oil filter part numbers for the following engines: Cummins ISX, Cummins M11, Mack MP8, Detroit DD60 and Caterpillar C13 ...
Xdextendeddrainoilfilters 10129816

XD Extended Drain Oil Filters

Aug. 12, 2008
Trapping and containing contaminants is a filter's primary job. Beyond this baseline protection is the extra insurance provided by WIX XD extended drain oil filters. In combination...