KBi/Kold-Ban International

Lake In The Hills, IL 60156-9637


About KBi/Kold-Ban International


8390 Pingree Road
Lake In The Hills, IL 60156-9637
United States

More Info on KBi/Kold-Ban International

Manufacture, research and development of engine starting fluid (ether) injections systems. These systems (such as the KBi DIESELMATIC), are used as an aid to initiate the combustion process in a diesel engine during starting and immediately thereafter. Among the many benefits are easier cold weather starting, elimination of white smoke and reduction of engine vibration during startup. Also offers KAPower super-capacitors and KrankingKART jump-start cart for use as an auxiliary and/or emergency cranking power source. Complete Cold Room testing facilities are available for lease.


Kapowersupercapacitors 10124233
Shop Equipment

KAPower Super Capacitors

June 25, 2007
KBi/Kold-Ban International, Ltd., has introduced the KrankingKART™, KAPower™ and KrankingKAP™ Super-Capacitors. KBi's revolutionary super-capacitors utilize space- age technology...
Lowcylinderindicator 10124899
Shop Equipment

Low Cylinder Indicator

June 25, 2007
The KBi Low Cylinder Indicator is an electronic solid-state device that determines when a KBi DIESELMATIC or DIESELMATIC KOMPAC starting fluid cylinder, used in conjunction with...

Articles & News

With its inherent capabilities, ultracapacitor starting systems have potential to eliminate the expensive downtime that truck drivers and fleets often experience as a result of dead batteries, particularly in colder climates.
Battery & Electrical

An end to dead vehicle batteries?

July 11, 2016
Ultracapacitor starting systems are being applied to heavy duty trucks.


Theresa Burke

P.R. Director

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