Hopkins Manufacturing

Emporia, KS 66801


About Hopkins Manufacturing


428 Peyton
PO Box 1157
Emporia, KS 66801

More Info on Hopkins Manufacturing


Hopkins Tow Doctor No 50928 1 5728f53a6343d
Diagnostic & Repair

Tow Doctor Trailer Wire Harness Test Unit, No. 50928

May 2, 2016
The Hopkins Tow Doctor Trailer Wire Harness Test Unit, No. 50928, is designed so that one person can make sure a trailer has been wired properly and all functions are working....
2in1oilfilterwrench 10097899

2-In-1 Oil Filter Wrench

Feb. 26, 2008
The 2-In-1 Oil Filter Wrench, a part of the FloTool line of fluid handling products from Hopkins, resembles a traditional band wrench, but also doubles as an oil drain plug wrench...

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