The first ever Nebraska SuperTech is over, and what a success it was! There are so many things I want to blog about as to what worked and what we could improve on for next year. But for now, I just want to publicly announce all of the winners of Nebraska SuperTech.
Brian Thompson and Rod Spangler from DelcoRemy graciously donated an iPod, so we were able to recognize one tech for having the highest score on the electrical station. This tech was Dennis Beckenhauer from Wick’s Sterling Trucks.
As for overall awards, NE SuperTech recognized three technicians. The third place prize went to Ray Wordekemper from Omaha Truck Center. Wordekemper received a $150 gift certificate from Snap-On tools.
The second place winner was Jeff Schlecht from Norfolk Truck Center. Schlecht received a $300 gift certificate from Snap-On tools.
The first place winner was Tim Zieman of Lincoln Truck Center. Zieman received an all-expense paid trip to represent Nebraska at the national TMC SuperTech competition this September in Raleigh, NC. He also won $500 in spending cash for the trip.
The SuperTech Steering Committee would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who participated- from volunteers to judges, to the technicians who made the event a huge success. Way to go!