
Essex CO12 4RX


About Durite


Durite Works
Valley Rd., Dovercourt
Essex CO12 4RX
United Kingdom
+44(0) 1255 555 200

More Info on Durite

For over 80 years, Durite has built an impeccable reputation supplying high quality parts to the commercial vehicle market. From DVR and 4G DVR kits, FORS compliant kits and DVS Safe Systems, to the 1000s of core reliable components that keep your vehicles going, Durite will always have the perfect solution for you, your fleet, and your business. Durite is a FORS Associate, SMMT, Logistics UK, CEA, and an AVI member with ISO 9001:2015 certification.


Chassis, Body & Cab

Brake Light Reverse Cameras

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