Asparuh Koev
6643d9449d35a114ed2986a8 Asparuh Koev Ceo Of Transmetrics

Asparuh Koev

Asparuh Koev has worked in the transport and logistics sector for more than two decades. Over the years, he has established several companies including Sciant, an engineering services company later acquired by VMWare, and IntelliCo Solutions, which delivers IT digitization for the transport industry. Koev co-founded Transmetrics in 2013 and, as CEO, he combines IT and domain expertise to grow a company that is bringing truly cutting-edge technologies to the sector.

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Safety & Technology

How telematics cut maintenance costs, up fuel efficiency

May 15, 2024
Telematics data can help fleets encourage fuel-efficient behaviors while also reducing component wear and tear.