Oil Skimmers, Inc.

Cleveland, Ohio 44133


About Oil Skimmers, Inc.


12800 York Road
Cleveland, Ohio 44133
1 (440) 237-4600

More Info on Oil Skimmers, Inc.

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Oil Skimmers, Inc. has been providing simple, effective, and cost-saving oil removal solutions to business and industry for over 50 years.

Headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, the company has 38 sales/services offices in the United States, and 48 dealers overseas. The company’s focus is on the production of reliable equipment that provides years of trouble-free operation, and friendly, customer-oriented service. Using high quality parts, the company’s systems are designed to be a valuable “silent employee” by doing their job of picking up oil day after day, year after year, with virtually no supervision or maintenance.

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All content from Oil Skimmers, Inc.

Photo courtesy of Oil Skimmers, Inc.
The Model 5H Brill tube-type oil skimmer mounts directly on the edge of the main wastewater holding tank. The free-floating collector tube actively and continuously removes the oil and grease as it rises to the surface of the water.
In the Bay

Guest Blog: Efficient oil removal from wastewater

April 14, 2021
Oil skimmers and oil-water separators that remove oil at tank wash facilities simplify water treatment and ensure compliance with wastewater discharge regulations.