Proto Industrial Tools


About Proto Industrial Tools


More Info on Proto Industrial Tools

Proto Industrial Tools has been making durable, high-quality hand tools for more than 100 years, having grown from a small machine shop to a worldwide supplier. Our tools are developed according to strict ergonomic standards, with features that lets users work faster and easier, including enhanced shock absorption and reduced slip. We are exhaustive in our efforts to make the world’s safest tools and provide tool safety education. Markets including auto, steel, and airplane manufacturing plants, chemical plants, refineries, general manufacturing, transportation, and fleet maintenance for trucking, transit, and aircraft. For more information call 800-800-TOOL, or visit


Proto Airtool Single 11017236

Titanium Series Pistol Air Impact Wrenches

July 18, 2013
Proto Industrial Tools' Titanium Series Pistol Air Impact Wrenches come in 3/8" drive (No. J138WP), 1/2" drive compact (No. J150WP-C), 1/2" drive industrial impact (No. J150WP...

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